Sunday, September 28, 2008


Slept through the years, afraid to wake,
I lived in my own world, no friends did i make,

and i woke to find a world so changed,
rich yet miserable life, emotions deranged,

Initiating with a hand to others reached out,
only to hear "oh! a beggar" shout,

misunderstandings were all that came my way
deserted in the morning and all through the day,

Too much to do, not a moment to spare,
I am all to myself, there's no one to care.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another incident of Shaastra 2007

i greet the verry few readers of my blog.

This is another incident belonging to the same times of one year ago.

before i start with the story, i feel that it is important for the readers to know that the Narmada hostel mess hall is being used as the dining hall for Taramani guest house, and hence, obly, it has a security sitting/sleeping there.

time: 9pm
ok, we have had grub. Let me introduce a third character.....SR. this chap has bought some balloons and balls....small, pingpong balls....a large number of them. and we are in the Hifunda coords' room. the time has arrived...we have decided that a good way to burst the balloons is to tie a thread, wet it with petrol, ignite it, and let go. THEORY COMPLETE.

time for action: 11pm
we blow the balloon, put in the balls....we go looking out for a bike/luna parked near hostel/gurunath/wherever from which we can cult some petrol.....mind you, security is sleeping..everywhere..

idont remember how, ...maybe BAT helped (real identity concealed) but we do have half a bottle petrol with us. we now climb over the mess hall and get near its entrance...we are quite sure that the road will be deserted and dark......we dip the thread in petrol.....unfortunately, i passer by TNR fellow sees us but just gives a stare of Bulbing (what the tuck are junta doing behind a closed gate with late night??) we are too excited to care.....

we light the thread and see some fireworks( but here this fire doesnt work)...all of us get back to the HiFunda coord's room ..dejected

Also, the previoius morning, the large metal frustrums have failed because one HiFunda coord goofed up his fluid mechanics fundaes.....he forgot that turbulence exists!!

All these failures result in one thing:

final day of shaastra, time 4.30am:
we have put a night know where...pasting smalllll stickers on the pingpong balls....and one HiFunda coord suddenly starts playing a video...Junta are surprised!!! WhatTheTuck !
we are all waiting for things outside to become visible.....understand ppl....

GD (yippieee) and I take a big bag each full of these balls......go to ICSR. we see there a few arbit junta doing arbit stuff....we stroll around as if we are some out station participants.....and finally, we get into all sponsors' stalls and empty the bag of balls...we also try to flood menlo park with those balls.....

even though a couple of junta have see us, we walk away innocently and head to mess for the much awaited breakfast..

during one of these days, GD, who is also a QMS(read TNR) vol, has put n nightouts, crashes during a shower....LOLmax..

Nothing is Impossible

This is an old story belonging to the days when i used to spend this time (the time before shaastra) in the 3rd wing of Narmada. I am not too sure junta would like me disclosing all this but I feel it worth blogging....

The Hi-funda coords call me to their room and ask me if i know about HACKS.....and there begins the story...

(it is TNR to define hacks)

we are supposed to make a LED display board that says a line mocking the standard text. this board is 5 feetX1.5feet in dimensions. We get n number of veroboards and solder them for days together...and finally, this is done.

Time: 6am
GD and i have just put a night out in the coord's room...and we set out to mess to estimate the height of the original board. the security wonders what on earth are two half sleepy ppl doing at this time staring at a blank board? maybe he thinks we are drunk...same is the case with a few joggers...

GD and i now know the height and set out to find a ladder to aid us..we travel around the insti and arrive at a spot...near SAC where we see a 4 meter high Identified.

Time 2am:
Guessing that junta are asleep, our duo with some other TNR people go to lift that stool and get it from SAC to mess and hide it so that the security dont put pain.

Time 3.15am:
We go to the Coord's room sweaty and tired and happy that we have achieved something. we work on other stuff which includes building a sleeeek robot that is impossible to see when kept under a podium...keep wondering why we need it... and arguing about the best way of bursting a balloon.

time 5am:
We carry the board, batteries, wires etc to mess, tell the security that we are repairers and do the job of setting up. we take a trial and our faces have a big we wait for the the meanwhile, i go to workshop and make a frustrum of thin metal sheets with base dia of 1m. keep guessing the arbitnesss......

the following evening we set up the batteries and the board reads : THINK OF US WHO CANT EAT IT.. .. with HACKS appearing interspersed. I am not too sure how many noticed it, but the newsletter did.

whenever a GA guy tells me that things cant be done, i feel like telling this (and many similar)to him..